Wednesday 20 August 2014

4 Meditation Techniques to Help Beginners With Their Journey Through Meditation

There are many different techniques you might come across when practicing meditation. If you’re a beginner, here are 4 simple techniques that you can experiment with to get you started. With these, you’ll learn how to achieve better control over your mental state, focus and concentration. This article outlines some useful information about the 4 meditation techniques to help you on your journey through meditation. Deep-Breathing Meditation Technique Deep breathing can be a simple way to help you relax your body and mind. This is also known as the ‘Stillness’ Meditation Technique. It prepares you for meditation as you focus ...

Learn To Meditate

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation

There are lots of known benefits of mindfulness meditation. It’s a powerful tool that helps bring your awareness in the present moment. It allows your mind to rest, and brings you freedom from issues in the past or worries about the future. In this article, you’ll find out about some of the benefits of mindfulness meditation. Helps clear you mind Mindfulness meditation helps clear your mind from distracting thoughts. It can allow you to relax and experience a sense of peace from within you. Practicing this technique can help stop your mind from getting bogged down in your daily concerns. It sharpens your memory, improves yo...

Mindfulness Meditation

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Mindfulness Meditation – How It Can Change Society

People who regularly do mindfulness meditation are generally considered more aware, open-minded, kind, and loving than those who don’t practice at all. Many claim their lives have become richer as a result of their practice. What’s interesting is that many of these people feel the need to help improve the lives of others as well. In this article, you’ll find out more about the benefits of mindfulness meditation and how it’s changing society. Mindfulness meditation is getting more and more popular nowadays. Many people used to think about it as a practice that’s only good for the monks or hippies. But today, mindfulness meditation i...

Mindfulness Meditation